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Announcements for This Week
Upcoming Important Dates: January Activity Calendar Attached
Principal DietzAnnouncements for This Week
Upcoming Important Dates: January Activity Calendar Attached
Principal DietzAnnouncements for This Week
- Holiday - No School:
- There will be no school, tomorrow, Monday, January 20, 2025 in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
- School will resume on Tuesday, January 21, 2025
- Share Your Input and Help Us Reach Our Goal! - Please respond before Tuesday, January 21st:
- Mitchell Senior values your input and would love for you to participate in the Measurable Results Assessment (MRA) survey. This home survey, which takes only 5-10 minutes, is a critical tool for us to continue enhancing our academics, leadership, climate, and culture.
- Deadline: Please complete the survey by Tuesday, January 21st—sooner is even better! The survey can be accessed in multiple languages by using the globe drop-down icon.
- Survey Link: MRA Survey - Mitchell Senior Families
- If we reach our goal for parent responders, students will enjoy a special extended schoolwide lunch hour with activities on Friday, January 31st! Let’s make it happen together!
- Teddy’s Closet:
- Open every Wednesday after school in Room 101.
- Offers food, hygiene items, and clothing for families in need.
- For immediate assistance, contact Ms. Mina or call the school office.
- Learning Lab:
- Learning Lab is open on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3-4 PM.
- Any student can attend for academic support and catching up on assignments.
- AESD Parent Workshop:
- Wednesday, January 22nd from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. in the Bellevue cafeteria.
- Our AESD Psychologist and Counselor from Bellevue will present information about Nutrition and Healthy Eating.
- Dinner will be served at 5:00 p.m. and the presentation will begin at 5:30 p.m. Childcare will be provided.
- To register to attend, please click here:
- Winter "Black & White" Dance:
- Friday, January 24th from 3-4:30 PM in the gym.
- Tickets sold at lunches - $5 (Must meet eligibilty requirements listed in the FLIGHTS Manual).
- Photos, snacks, and drinks available for purchase.
- Yearbooks:
- Customize and purchase your Mitchell Senior 2024-2025 Yearbook today
- How to Order: Visit this link or go to and enter our school's passcode: 1016649943154994.
- Pricing: Softcover: $30.62, Hardcover: $37.50
- Customize Your Yearbook: Create your custom pages by April 11, 2025!
- 8th grade Baby Photos: Send photos to [email protected] with student name and ID number, also due by April 11, 2025.
- Delivery & Distribution: Yearbooks will be delivered to the school and distributed to students during the last week of school.
- Need Assistance? Visit for support.
- Chromebooks:
- Ensure students bring a fully charged Chromebook to school daily.
- For issues, visit Mrs. Gomez in the library.
- 8th Grade Graduation Requirements:
- This month, administration will be meeting with parents of students who are at-risk of not meeting eligibilty requirements for 8th grade graduation and activities.
- To be eligible to participate in the promotion ceremony and activities, 8th grade students must:
- Maintain a cumulative 2.0 overall grade point average (GPA) during their 7th and 8th grade years, OR a 2.5 or higher GPA during their 8th grade year.
- Attend at least 90% of the school days in session during the student’s enrollment in school. Home/Hospital participation or an Independent Study Program (5-15 days) shall constitute attendance.
- Have no more than two (2) home suspension for the year.
- Not be suspended (in-school or home) during the last 20 days of school.
- Clear all obligations (including, but not limited to: library fees, sports uniforms, PE loaner clothes, PE locks, textbooks, damage to Chromebook, classroom novels, etc.)
- Athletics/Band/Guard Requirements:
- Sports physicals and a completed medical clearance packet are required annually.
- Packets are available in the main office or on our website.
- Students must also meet GPA, attendance, and behavior standards.
- The medical clearance packet must be turned in before the first day of tryouts for a sport/band.
- Girls Basketball tryouts are January 13-14th from 3-4:30 PM in the gym.
- Cell Phone Policy:
- Review the attached District Cell Phone - Yondr Policy.
- Dress Code:
- Refer to the FLIGHTS Manual for the dress code policy.
- Non-compliant students may need to borrow loaners or call home.
- Athletics This Week:
- January 23: Girls Basketball vs Tenaya at Mitchell - 4 PM
Upcoming Important Dates: January Activity Calendar Attached
- January 20: No School - Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
- January 21: MRA Family Surveys DUE
- January 21: 2nd Quarter Reward Trip to Rollerland - 8th Grade
- January 22: 2nd Quarter Reward Trip to Rollerland- 7th Grade
- January 22: Parent Workshop at Bellevue - Nutrition and Healthy Eating - 5 PM
- January 24: Winter "Black & White" Dance - 3-4:30 PM
- January 28: 2nd Quarter ALEKS Math Reward Trip - Ten Pin Bowling
- January 29: No School - Teacher Professional Development Day
- February 4: AHS and BCHS visits to Mitchell Senior for Freshman Registration
- February 10: Jostens representative here to measure for graduation gowns during PE
- February 10 to 14: ASB Spirit Dress-up Week!
- February 14: 3rd Quarter Progress Reports Mailed Home
- February 17 to 21: No School - Presidents Day Recess & Lincoln's Birthday
Principal DietzAnnouncements for This Week
- Teddy’s Closet:
- Open every Wednesday after school in Room 101.
- Offers food, hygiene items, and clothing for families in need.
- For immediate assistance, contact Ms. Mina or call the school office.
- Learning Lab:
- Learning Lab is open on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3-4 PM.
- Any student can attend for academic support and catching up on assignments.
- 2nd Quarter Reward Trips to Rollerland (8th grade January 21st and 7th grade January 22nd):
- Students who qualify may pick up a permission slip from Mr. Hammar, Activities Advisor, in room 116.
- Permission slips are due by Thursday, January 16th and slots to attend will be on a first come, first served basis.
- Each quarter, students may be eligible for a reward based upon the following criteria:
- 3.0 cumulative quarter GPA
- Noclass, in-house, or home suspensions
- Must meet tardy policy eligibility requirements.
- No more than three (3) days of excused absences or one (1) unexcused absence. Any single period, or part thereof (i.e. come to school late more than 30 minutes, leave and return for an appointment, or leave early), which is unexcused, will be counted as a full day of absence for the quarter rewards calculation.
- No outstanding obligations (Including, but not limited to: library fees, sports uniforms, PE loaner clothes, PE locks, textbooks, damage to Chromebook, classroom novels, etc.)
- Winter "Black & White" Dance:
- Friday, January 24th from 3-4:30 PM in the gym.
- Tickets sold at lunches - $5 (Must meet eligibilty requirements listed in the FLIGHTS Manual).
- Photos, snacks, and drinks available for purchase.
- Yearbooks:
- Customize and purchase your Mitchell Senior 2024-2025 Yearbook today
- How to Order: Visit this link or go to and enter our school's passcode: 1016649943154994.
- Pricing: Softcover: $30.62, Hardcover: $37.50
- Customize Your Yearbook: Create your custom pages by April 11, 2025!
- Delivery & Distribution: Yearbooks will be delivered to the school and distributed to students during the last week of school.
- Need Assistance? Visit for support.
- Chromebooks:
- Ensure students bring a fully charged Chromebook to school daily.
- For issues, visit Mrs. Gomez in the library.
- Report cards for SECOND quarter were mailed home over vacation. If your child earned exceptional grades for 2nd quarter and has outstanding citizenship, he/she is invited to be a part of CJSF. CJSF stands for California Junior Scholarship Federation. It is an organization that emphasizes high standards for academics, community service, and citizenship.
- All applications are due by January 17th. No applications will be accepted after this date.
- Please have your child email Mrs. Johnson at [email protected] or have your child stop by room 203 if he/she has any questions.
- If your child is interested in being a part of this program on our campus, they must check their email to click on the link and fill out the attached Google form. Here are the instructions for your child to fill out the new form:
- Fill in your name, email and grade.
- Using your grades FROM YOUR SECOND QUARTER REPORT CARD, put a check by the letter grade you received in each class.
- Then in the next part, you will mark 3 points for each class you received an A and 1 point for each class you earned a B. No points are given for C's. D's and F's automatically disqualify you.
- If you are in advanced classes and received an A or B in those classes you can add one extra point for each class. (2 max).
- Add up the points. If you have 12 or more points (Advisor will verify grades and citizenship) enter your total and click submit. If you have less than 12 points, you do not submit your form, please try again next quarter.
- You must reapply after every quarter. You must be a member of CJSF for 6 of the 8 quarters in junior high for recognition at 8th grade awards ceremony and preferred seating at graduation.
- Report cards for SECOND quarter were mailed home over vacation. If your child earned exceptional grades for 2nd quarter and has outstanding citizenship, he/she is invited to be a part of CJSF. CJSF stands for California Junior Scholarship Federation. It is an organization that emphasizes high standards for academics, community service, and citizenship.
- 8th Grade Graduation Requirements:
- This month, administration will be meeting with parents of students who are at-risk of not meeting eligibilty requirements for 8th grade graduation and activities.
- To be eligible to participate in the promotion ceremony and activities, 8th grade students must:
- Maintain a cumulative 2.0 overall grade point average (GPA) during their 7th and 8th grade years, OR a 2.5 or higher GPA during their 8th grade year.
- Attendat least 90% of the school days in session during the student’s enrollment in school. Home/Hospital participation or an Independent Study Program (5-15 days) shall constitute attendance.
- Have no more than two (2) home suspension for the year.
- Not be suspended (in-school or home) during the last 20 days of school.
- Clear all obligations (including, but not limited to: library fees, sports uniforms, PE loaner clothes, PE locks, textbooks, damage to Chromebook, classroom novels, etc.)
- Athletics/Band/Guard Requirements:
- Sports physicals and a completed medical clearance packet are required annually.
- Packets are available in the main office or on our website.
- Students must also meet GPA, attendance, and behavior standards.
- The medical clearance packet must be turned in before the first day of tryouts for a sport/band.
- Girls Basketball tryouts are January 13-14th from 3-4:30 PM in the gym.
- Cell Phone Policy:
- Review the attached District Cell Phone - Yondr Policy.
- Dress Code:
- Refer to the FLIGHTS Manual for the dress code policy.
- Non-compliant students may need to borrow loaners or call home.
- Athletics This Week:
- Boys Basketball Tournament: JV at Cruickshank and Varsity at Rivera
- Girls Basketball Tryouts: Wednesday & Thursday in the gym at 3PM
Upcoming Important Dates: January Activity Calendar Attached
- January 15-January 16: Girls Basketball Tryouts - 3 PM (UPDATED DATES)
- January 20: No School - Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
- January 21: MRA Family Surveys DUE
- January 21: 2nd Quarter Reward Trip to Rollerland - 8th Grade
- January 22: 2nd Quarter Reward Trip to Rollerland- 7th Grade
- January 24: Winter "Black & White" Dance - 3-4:30 PM
- January 28: 2nd Quarter ALEKS Math Reward Trip - Ten Pin Bowling
- January 29: No School - Teacher Professional Development Day
Principal DietzAnnouncements for This Week
- ASB Spirit Dress-up! 3 School Days 'til Christmas Break!
- Monday, December 16: Christmas Vacation: Wear your Favorite Hawaiian Shirt
- Tuesday, December 17: "Snow Day!" Wear White!
- Wednesday, December 18: 'Twas the Night Before Break - Pajama Day
- Winter Break is Coming!
- School lets out at 1:37 PM on Wednesday, December 18th.
- Winter Break is December 19th to January 3rd.
- School resumes on Monday, January 6, 2025.
- Teddy’s Closet:
- Open every Wednesday after school in Room 101.
- Offers food, hygiene items, and clothing for families in need.
- For immediate assistance, contact Ms. Mina or call the school office.
- Learning Lab:
- Learning Lab will be closed this week before Winter Break.
- Chromebooks:
- Ensure students bring a fully charged Chromebook to school daily.
- For issues, visit Mrs. Gomez in the library.
- Athletics/Band/Guard Requirements:
- Sports physicals and a completed medical clearance packet are required annually.
- Packets are available in the main office or on our website.
- Students must also meet GPA, attendance, and behavior standards.
- Cell Phone Policy:
- Review the attached District Cell Phone - Yondr Policy.
- Dress Code:
- Refer to the FLIGHTS Manual for the dress code policy.
- Non-compliant students may need to borrow loaners or call home.
- Athletics This Week:
- None
Upcoming Important Dates: January Activity Calendar Attached
- December 17: ASB Winter White-out Rally
- December 18: 2nd Quarter Report Cards Mailed Home – 2nd Quarter Ends!
- December 19-January 3: Winter Break – No School
- January 6: 3rd Quarter Begins!
- January 7: Learning Lab Open again on Tuesdays and Thursdays
- January 13-January 14: Girls Basketball Tryouts - 3 PM
- January 20: No School - Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
- January 21: 2nd Quarter Reward Trip to Rollerland - 8th Grade
- January 22: 2nd Quarter Reward Trip to Rollerland - 7th Grade
- January 24: Winter Dance - 3-4:30 PM
- January 28: 2nd Quarter ALEKS Math Reward Trip - Ten Pin Bowling
- January 29: No School - Teacher Professional Development Day
Thunderbirds! #MissionPossible
Principal DietzAnnouncements for This Week
Upcoming Important Dates: December Activity Calendar Attached
Principal Dietz
Principal Dietz
Principal Dietz
Principal Dietz
Principal Dietz
Principal Dietz
Principal Dietz
Principal Dietz
Principal Dietz
Principal Dietz
Principal Dietz
Principal Dietz
Principal DietzAnnouncements for This Week
- Welcome Back: School resumes tomorrow, December 2nd. We hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving Recess!
- Thank you: We had nearly 1,000 items donated for our canned food drive before break. Your generousity doesn't go unnoticed! Thank you so much for caring for our community and giving back. We appreciate you!
- Pennies for Presents:
- Runs from December 2nd to December 6th.
- All proceeds benefit the Atwater Police and Fire Toy Drive.
- Start gathering spare change now to support this community initiative!
- Atwater Christmas Parade:
- Friday, December 6th at 7 PM, downtown Atwater.
- Come see our Thunderbird Band march in all their holiday splendor!
- Atwater City Fire Department Open House:
- Join for some hot chocolate and candy canes!
- Take a tour of the fire station and a family photo with the fire truck.
- Saturday, December 14th, 6-8 PM.
- Atwater Fire Station 42, 2006 Avenue Two.
- Consider bringing a NEW unwrapped toy for their toy drive.
- Teddy’s Closet:
- Open every Wednesday after school in Room 101.
- Offers food, hygiene items, and clothing for families in need.
- For immediate assistance, contact Mrs. Odom or call the school office.
- Learning Lab:
- Open every Tuesday and Thursday from 3:00-4:00 PM.
- Teachers are available to help with assignments, homework, and studying.
- Learning Lab will be closed the week before Winter Break.
- Chromebooks:
- Ensure students bring a fully charged Chromebook to school daily.
- For issues, visit Mrs. Gomez in the library.
- Athletics/Band/Guard Requirements:
- Sports physicals and a completed medical clearance packet are required annually.
- Packets are available in the main office or on our website.
- Students must also meet GPA, attendance, and behavior standards.
- Cell Phone Policy:
- Review the attached District Cell Phone - Yondr Policy.
- Dress Code:
- Refer to the FLIGHTS Manual for the dress code policy.
- Non-compliant students may need to borrow loaners or call home.
- Athletics This Week:
- Monday, December 2: Boys Basketball vs. Cruickshank at Mitchell Senior – 4 PM
- Tuesday, December 3: Boys Basketball vs. Rivera at Rivera – 4 PM
- Thursday, December 5: Boys Basketball vs. Tenaya at Tenaya – 4 PM
Upcoming Important Dates: December Activity Calendar Attached
- December 2-6: Pennies for Presents
- December 6: Atwater Christmas Parade – Our band is marching!
- December 9-13: Computer Science Education Week
- December 9-18: ASB Spirit Week
- December 11: MCOE Jr. High Spelling Bee
- December 11: Winter Band Concert – 5:30 PM in Gym
- December 12: AVID Family Gingerbread House Night – 5 PM in MPR
- December 13: Hour of Code – 8th Period
- December 14: Atwater City Fire Department Open House - 6-8 PM
- December 17: ASB Winter White-out Rally
- December 18: 2nd Quarter Report Cards Mailed Home – 2nd Quarter Ends!
- December 19-January 3: Winter Break – No School
- January 6: 3rd Quarter Begins!
Principal Dietz
- Announcements for This Week
- Veterans Day: There will be no school on Monday in observance of Veterans Day, a holiday dedicated to honoring the men and women who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces. This day is an opportunity to reflect on the sacrifices and dedication of our veterans. Classes will resume on Tuesday.
- AESD Board Meeting: Join us on Tuesday, November 12th, at 6:15 PM in the District Office Board Room. This month, Mitchell Senior will present its Showcase, highlighting our elective wheel: Art, Culinary, STEAM, and FLIGHTS/LAUNCH. All are welcome to attend!
- National School Psychology Week: This week, we celebrate the essential role of school psychologists in fostering students' academic, social, and emotional growth. School psychologists like our amazing Alyssa Chavez work with teachers, parents, and administrators to create supportive learning environments and guide students through challenges. Let’s show our appreciation for their dedication to making our schools a place where every student can thrive!
- Lung Cancer Awareness Month: This November, we’re supporting our assistant principal, Mr. Hoffart, who was recently diagnosed with lung cancer and is undergoing treatment. To show our support, we’ll wear "White on Wednesdays" throughout the month. On Wednesday, November 20th, we’ll hold a special "Hats for Hoffart" day—everyone is encouraged to wear a fun hat in honor of Mr. Hoffart’s strength and resilience. Let’s come together as #TBirdsforHoffart!
- Annual Canned Food Drive: Our AVID team is hosting the Annual Canned Food Drive from November 12th to 19th. Please send in donations; see the attached flyer for information on needed items and our class competition.
- Winter Coat Giveaway: The Atwater Educational Enrichment Foundation will hold its annual coat giveaway for AESD families. Distribution is on Saturday, November 16, 2024, from 9:00 - 11:00 AM at the Mitchell K-6 Cafeteria. Donations of new or gently used coats can be dropped off at any AESD school or the District Office at 1401 Broadway Avenue, Atwater.
- Teddy’s Closet: Teddy's Closet offers food, hygiene items, and clothing to our families every Wednesday after school in Room 101. Families in need can also contact Mrs. Odom, our Community Outreach Coordinator, or call the school office. Students needing essentials like a backpack, supplies, or a coat can stop by any day.
- Learning Lab: The Mitchell Senior Learning Lab is open every Tuesday and Thursday from 3:00-4:00 PM. Teachers are available to help with makeup work, assignments, homework, and study time.
- Chromebooks: Please ensure your child brings a fully-charged Chromebook to school each day. If there are any issues, students can visit Mrs. Gomez in the library for support.
- Athletics/Band/Guard Requirements: A sports physical is required for students participating in school sports, marching band, color guard, or as team managers. A medical clearance packet must be completed annually and submitted to the office before tryouts. The packet is available in the main office or on our website. Students must also meet minimum GPA, attendance, and behavior standards.
- Cell Phone Policy: Please review the attached District Cell Phone - Yondr Policy.
- Dress Code: Refer to the FLIGHTS Manual for our dress code policy. Students may need to call home or borrow loaners from Student Services if not in compliance. Thank you for double-checking attire before leaving home.
Athletics This Week: Nothing scheduled.
Upcoming Important Dates (November Activity Calendar Attached):- November 11: Veterans Day - No School
- November 12: AVID Canned Food Drive begins (ends November 19)
- November 19: 8th Grade 1st Quarter Reward Trip - Bellevue Bowl
- November 20: 7th Grade 1st Quarter Reward Trip - Bellevue Bowl
- November 20: Hats for Hoffart Day
- November 22: 2nd Quarter Progress Reports Mailed Home
- November 25-29: Thanksgiving Recess - No School
- December 2-6: Pennies for Presents
- December 6: Atwater Christmas Parade
Principal Dietz
- Veterans Wall - Mitchell Senior is having a "Veterans Wall" at school in honor of Veterans Day. We decided this is a nice way to honor Veterans from our community and elsewhere. If you have any pictures of veterans you know, please send a COPY (as it will not be returned), with their name, rank, and military branch. Send it in with your child, and they can give it to Mrs. Whitby in room 106 by November 4th. We will make sure the photo is on our "Veteran Wall" before the end of that week. Black and white copies are just fine. Thank you!
- November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month - This year we’re showing our support for our assistant principal, Mr. Hoffart, who was recently diagnosed and is going through treatment. As a community, we’ll be wearing "White on Wednesdays" to raise awareness and show our support for Mr. Hoffart’s fight.
On Wednesday, November 20th, we’ll have a special "Hats for Hoffart" day—everyone is encouraged to wear a fun hat in honor of Mr. Hoffart’s strength and resilience. Let's come together as #TBirdsforHoffart and show how much our school community cares. Thank you for your support, Thunderbirds! - Canned Food Drive - Our AVID team is hosting our Annual Canned Food Drive. Please send in your items between November 12th and 19th. See attached flyer for more information regarding items needed and class competition.
- Winter Coat Giveaway - The Atwater Educational Enrichment Foundation is once again holding its annual coat giveaway to benefit the families of AESD in the coming winter months. Distribution of Coats: Saturday, November 16, 2024 from 9:00 - 11:00 a.m. at the Mitchell K-6 Cafeteria. If you are interested in donating a new or gently used coat, you may drop off items at any AESD school or the District Office located at 1401 Broadway Avenue in Atwater.
- Teddy's Closet - Teddy's food, hygiene items, and clothing closet is open to our families every Wednesday after school in room 101. If you are in need of something, you can also contact our Community Outreach Coordinator, Mrs. Odom, or call the school office. If your student is in need of something (backpack, supplies, coat, sweater, etc), they may stop by any day.
- Learning Lab - The Mitchell Senior Learning Lab is open every Tuesday and Thursday from 3-4 PM. The Lab is hosted by teachers who are available to help all students with makeup work, missed assignments, homework help or study time.
- Chromebooks - Your child will need to have their fully-charged Chromebook every day at school. If your child is having any issues with their Chromebook, have your child stop by the library and Mrs. Gomez can support him/her.
- Athletics/Band/Guard - This is a reminder that a sports physical is required for any student who plans to try out for school-sponsored sports, marching band, color guard, or as a team manager. Prior to participating, a student must be cleared. The mandatory medical clearance packet is good for the entire school year and must be completed each year. The completed packet must be turned in to the office at Mitchell Senior prior to the first day of tryouts for your sport. The medical clearance packet can be picked up at our main office or on our website. As well, students must meet the minimum requirements for grade point average, attendance & tardies, and discipline.
- Cell Phone Policy - Please see attached District Cell Phone - Yondr Policy.
- Dress Code - Please see FLIGHTS Manual for dress code policy. Students may be asked to call home for a change of clothes or borrow loaners from our Student Services. Thank you for supporting your student by double checking what they are wearing before leaving the house.
- Fall Back! - Daylight saving time ended at 2 a.m. today. Make sure you set your clocks back one hour!
- Athletics this Week:
- November 4 - Girls Soccer & Boys Volleyball Game vs. Rivera at Mitchell
- November 5 to 8 - Girls Soccer & Boys Volleyball Tournaments
- November 7 & 8 - Boys Basketball Tryouts - Gym - 3:00-4:30 PM
- Important Dates - November Activity Calendar Attached
- November 5 to 8 - Girls Soccer & Boys Volleyball Tournaments
- November 8 - Band Veteran's Day Ceremony at Mitchell K-6
- November 11 - Veterans Day - No School
- November 12 - AVID Canned Food Drive begins (ends November 19)
- November 12 - 7th grade 1st Quarter Reward Trip - Bellevue Bowl
- November 19 - 8th grade 1st Quarter Reward Trip - Bellevue Bowl
- November 20 - Hats for Hoffart Day
- November 22 - 2nd Quarter Progress Reports Mailed Home
- November 25 to 29 - Thanksgiving Recess - No School
- December 2 to 6 - Pennies for Presents
- December 6 - Atwater Christmas Parade
Principal Dietz
- Students can celebrate Dia De Los Muertos with us! - Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) is a reminder of the cyclical nature of life, encouraging remembrance, love, and joy in honoring those who have passed. Students can pay respect to their loved ones who are no longer with us (family members, pets, friends, etc.). We will have an ofrenda up all this week October 26th to November 1st outside of Student Support.
- Red Ribbon Spirit Week-
- Monday - Sports Day
- Tuesday - Rhyme Without Reason
- Wednesday - Think Pink
- Thursday - Halloween Costume Contest
- Friday - Pajama Day
- Social Media Safety - You're invited to our Parent Engagement: Social Media Safety Information Night on Tuesday, October 29th at 5 PM in Room 106 at Mitchell Senior. Our school psychologist and counselors will provide valuable and critical information that every parent should know to help keep students safe as they navigate the online world. Don’t miss this important opportunity to learn how to protect your child from potential online risks.
- Fall Festival - Monster Mash Bash- All students are invited to join us for our annual Fall Festival, the "Monster Mash Bash" on Thursday, October 31st! Enjoy music, costumes, games, concessions, and experience WEB’s Super Spooky Haunted House!
- Ticket Info: Students can purchase entry tickets for $5 during lunch on Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday only.
- Additional Costs: Games range from Free to $1, and concessions are priced from $1 to $3. All proceeds support the clubs hosting booths.
- Bonus: Students can earn 5Star points for participating!
- The event runs from 8th period (2:15 PM) to 3:45 PM.
- Veterans Wall - Mitchell Senior is having a "Veterans Wall" at school in honor of Veterans Day. We decided this is a nice way to honor Veterans from our community and elsewhere. If you have any pictures of veterans you know, please send a COPY (as it will not be returned), with their name, rank, and military branch. Send it in with your child, and they can give it to Mrs. Whitby in room 106 by November 4th. We will make sure the photo is on our "Veteran Wall" before the end of that week. Black and white copies are just fine. Thank you!
- Winter Coat Giveaway - The Atwater Educational Enrichment Foundation is once again holding its annual coat giveaway to benefit the families of AESD in the coming winter months. Distribution of Coats: Saturday, November 16, 2024 from 9:00 - 11:00 a.m. at the Mitchell K-6 Cafeteria. If you are interested in donating a new or gently used coat, you may drop off items at any AESD school or the District Office located at 1401 Broadway Avenue in Atwater.
- Teddy's Closet - Teddy's food, hygiene items, and clothing closet is open to our families every Wednesday after school in room 101. If you are in need of something, you can also contact our Community Outreach Coordinator, Mrs. Odom, or call the school office. If your student is in need of something (backpack, supplies, coat, sweater, etc), they may stop by any day.
- Learning Lab - The Mitchell Senior Learning Lab is open every Tuesday and Thursday from 3-4 PM. The Lab is hosted by teachers who are available to help all students with makeup work, missed assignments, homework help or study time.
- Chromebooks - Your child will need to have their fully-charged Chromebook every day at school. If your child is having any issues with their Chromebook, have your child stop by the library and Mrs. Gomez can support him/her.
- Athletics/Band/Guard - This is a reminder that a sports physical is required for any student who plans to try out for school-sponsored sports, marching band, color guard, or as a team manager. Prior to participating, a student must be cleared. The mandatory medical clearance packet is good for the entire school year and must be completed each year. The completed packet must be turned in to the office at Mitchell Senior prior to the first day of tryouts for your sport. The medical clearance packet can be picked up at our main office or on our website. As well, students must meet the minimum requirements for grade point average, attendance & tardies, and discipline.
- Cell Phone Policy - Please see attached District Cell Phone - Yondr Policy.
- Dress Code - Please see FLIGHTS Manual for dress code policy. Students may be asked to call home for a change of clothes or borrow loaners from our Student Services. Thank you for supporting your student by double checking what they are wearing before leaving the house.
- Fall Back! - Daylight saving time ends at 2 a.m. on Sunday, Nov. 3. Make sure to set your clocks back one hour!
- Athletics this Week:
- October 30 - Girls Soccer & Boys Volleyball Game vs. Cruickshank at Cruickshank
- Important Dates - November Activity Calendar Attached
- October 25 to November 1 - Red Ribbon Spirit Week
- October 28 to November 1 - Dia de los Muertos Ofrenda Display
- October 29 - Social Media Information Parent Workshop - Mitchell Senior 5 PM Room 106
- October 31 - Halloween - Costumes okay - no full face paint/masks, no blood/gore, no weapons
- October 31 - Fall Festival/Carnival 2:10-3:45 pm
- November 1 - CJSF Applications DUE to Mrs. Johnson in room 203
- Week of November 4 - Girls Soccer & Boys Volleyball Tournaments
- November 11 - Veterans Day - No School
- November 12 - AVID Canned Food Drive begins (ends November 19)
- November 22 - 2nd Quarter Progress Reports Mailed Home
- November 25 to 29 - Thanksgiving Recess - No School
Principal Dietz
- Students can celebrate Dia De Los Muertos with us! - Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) is a reminder of the cyclical nature of life, encouraging remembrance, love, and joy in honoring those who have passed. Students can pay respect to their loved ones who are no longer with us (family members, pets, friends, etc.). The week of October 21st students can bring a 4X6 photo and decorate photo frames - available during lunch period in Student Support. We will have an ofrenda up all week October 26th to November 1st.
- Veterans Wall - Mitchell Senior is having a "Veterans Wall" at school in honor of Veterans Day. We decided this is a nice way to honor Veterans from our community and elsewhere. If you have any pictures of veterans you know, please send a COPY (as it will not be returned), with their name, rank, and military branch. Send it in with your child, and they can give it to Mrs. Whitby in room 106 by November 4th. We will make sure the photo is on our "Veteran Wall" before the end of that week. Black and white copies are just fine. Thank you!
- Teddy's Closet - Teddy's food, hygiene items, and clothing closet is open to our families every Wednesday after school in room 101. If you are in need of something, you can also contact our Community Outreach Coordinator, Mrs. Odom, or call the school office. If your student is in need of something (backpack, supplies, coat, sweater, etc), they may stop by any day.
- Learning Lab - The Mitchell Senior Learning Lab is open every Tuesday and Thursday from 3-4 PM. The Lab is hosted by teachers who are available to help all students with makeup work, missed assignments, homework help or study time.
- Chromebooks - Your child will need to have their fully-charged Chromebook every day at school. If your child is having any issues with their Chromebook, have your child stop by the library and Mrs. Gomez can support him/her.
- Athletics/Band/Guard - This is a reminder that a sports physical is required for any student who plans to try out for school-sponsored sports, marching band, color guard, or as a team manager. Prior to participating, a student must be cleared. The mandatory medical clearance packet is good for the entire school year and must be completed each year. The completed packet must be turned in to the office at Mitchell Senior prior to the first day of tryouts for your sport. The medical clearance packet can be picked up at our main office or on our website. As well, students must meet the minimum requirements for grade point average, attendance & tardies, and discipline.
- Cell Phone Policy - Please see attached District Cell Phone - Yondr Policy.
- Dress Code - Please see FLIGHTS Manual for dress code policy. Students may be asked to call home for a change of clothes or borrow loaners from our Student Services. Thank you for supporting your student by double checking what they are wearing before leaving the house.
- Athletics this Week:
- October 22 - Girls Soccer & Boys Volleyball Game vs. Hoover at Mitchell Senior
- Important Dates - October Activity Calendar Attached!
- October 21 to 25 - Dia de los Muertos Set Up
- October 22 - Parent Workshop - Bellevue
- October 23 - Fentanyl Education Assembly
- October 23 - School Site Council Meeting #2 via Zoom
- October 25 - Fall ASB Rally
- October 25 to November 1 - Red Ribbon Spirit Week
- October 28 to November 1 - Dia de los Muertos Ofrenda Display
- October 29 - Social Media Information Parent Workshop - Mitchell Senior 5 PM Room 106
- October 31 - Halloween - Costumes okay - no full face paint/masks, no blood/gore, no weapons
- October 31 - Fall Festival/Carnival 2:10-3:45 pm
- Week of November 4 - Girls Soccer & Boys Volleyball Tournaments
- November 11 - Veterans Day - No School
- November 12 - AVID Canned Food Drive begins (ends November 19)
- November 22 - 2nd Quarter Progress Reports Mailed Home
- November 25 to 29 - Thanksgiving Recess - No School
Principal Dietz
- Veterans Wall - Mitchell Senior is having a "Veterans Wall" at school in honor of Veterans Day. We decided this is a nice way to honor Veterans from our community and elsewhere. If you have any pictures of veterans you know, please send a COPY (as it will not be returned), with their name, rank, and military branch. Send it in with your child, and they can give it to Mrs. Whitby in room 106 by November 4th. We will make sure the photo is on our "Veteran Wall" before the end of that week. Black and white copies are just fine. Thank you!
- Teddy's Closet - Teddy's food, hygiene items, and clothing closet is open to our families every Wednesday after school in room 101. If you are in need of something, you can also contact our Community Outreach Coordinator, Mrs. Odom, or call the school office. If your student is in need of something (backpack, supplies, coat, sweater, etc), they may stop by any day.
- Learning Lab - The Mitchell Senior Learning Lab is open every Tuesday and Thursday from 3-4 PM. The Lab is hosted by teachers who are available to help all students with makeup work, missed assignments, homework help or study time.
- Chromebooks - Your child will need to have their fully-charged Chromebook every day at school. If your child is having any issues with their Chromebook, have your child stop by the library and Mrs. Gomez can support him/her.
- Athletics/Band/Guard - This is a reminder that a sports physical is required for any student who plans to try out for school-sponsored sports, marching band, color guard, or as a team manager. Prior to participating, a student must be cleared. The mandatory medical clearance packet is good for the entire school year and must be completed each year. The completed packet must be turned in to the office at Mitchell Senior prior to the first day of tryouts for your sport. The medical clearance packet can be picked up at our main office or on our website. As well, students must meet the minimum requirements for grade point average, attendance & tardies, and discipline.
- Cell Phone Policy - Please see attached District Cell Phone - Yondr Policy.
- Dress Code - Please see FLIGHTS Manual for dress code policy. Students may be asked to call home for a change of clothes or borrow loaners from our Student Services. Thank you for supporting your student by double checking what they are wearing before leaving the house.
- Athletics this Week:
- October 14 - Girls Soccer & Boys Volleyball Game vs. Cruickshank at Mitchell Senior
- October 15 - Girls Soccer & Boys Volleyball Game vs. Rivera at Rivera
- October 17 - Girls Soccer & Boys Volleyball Game vs. Tenaya at Tenaya
- Important Dates - October Activity Calendar Attached!
- October 14 - Start of 2nd Quarter
- October 15 - Spanish Class Study Trip
- October 17 - The Great California Shake Out (Earthquake Drill)
- October 17 - ASES Field Trip - Hunter Farms
- October 18 - Report Cards mailed home
- October 18 - Launch Pad to Success! College and Career Fair for 8th graders
- October 19 - Santa Cruz Band Review
- October 23 - Fentanyl Education Assembly
- October 23 - School Site Council Meeting #2
- October 25 - Fall ASB Rally
- October 25 to November 1 - Red Ribbon Spirit Week
- October 31 - Fall Festival/Carnival 2:10-3:45 pm
Principal Dietz
- Spirit Week! - October 7th to 11th are Dress up days:
- Monday: Crazy Socks and Crocs Day
- Tuesday: Twins Day
- Wednesday: Wear PINK for Breast Cancer Awareness
- Thursday: Western Day
- Friday: Bring your Favorite Plushie Day
- Teddy's Closet - Teddy's food, hygiene items, and clothing closet is open to our families every Wednesday after school in room 101. If you are in need of something, you can also contact our Community Outreach Coordinator, Mrs. Odom, or call the school office. If your student is in need of something (backpack, supplies, coat, sweater, etc), they may stop by any day.
- Learning Lab - The Mitchell Senior Learning Lab is open every Tuesday and Thursday from 3-4 PM. The Lab is hosted by teachers who are available to help all students with makeup work, missed assignments, homework help or study time.
- Shoob Make-up School Picture Day - Monday, October 7th. All students who missed picture day will be photographed. See attached flyer for more information regarding re-takes.
- Chromebooks - Your child will need to have their fully-charged Chromebook every day at school. If your child is having any issues with their Chromebook, have your child stop by the library and Mrs. Gomez can support him/her.
- Athletics/Band/Guard - This is a reminder that a sports physical is required for any student who plans to try out for school-sponsored sports, marching band, color guard, or as a team manager. Prior to participating, a student must be cleared. The mandatory medical clearance packet is good for the entire school year and must be completed each year. The completed packet must be turned in to the office at Mitchell Senior prior to the first day of tryouts for your sport. The medical clearance packet can be picked up at our main office or on our website. As well, students must meet the minimum requirements for grade point average, attendance & tardies, and discipline.
- Cell Phone Policy - Please see attached District Cell Phone - Yondr Policy.
- Dress Code - Please see FLIGHTS Manual for dress code policy. Students may be asked to call home for a change of clothes or borrow loaners from our Student Services. Thank you for supporting your student by double checking what they are wearing before leaving the house.
- Athletics this Week:
- October 7 - Girls Soccer & Boys Volleyball Game vs Tenaya at Mitchell Senior - 4 PM
- October 10 - Girls Soccer & Boys Volleyball Game vs Hoover at Hoover - 4 PM
- Important Dates - October Activity Calendar Attached!
- October 7 to 11 - WEB hosted Spirit Dress-up Week
- October 7 - Shoob Make-up School Picture Day
- October 7 to 11 - Spirit Week Dress-up Days
- October 9 - School Site Council Meeting via Zoom @ 3:15 pm Rescheduled
- October 11 - WEB Activity for 8th grade WEB Leaders - Tie Dye Shirts - 3:00 - 4:00 PM
- October 11 - End of 1st Quarter
- October 14 - Start of 2nd Quarter
- October 15 - Spanish Class Study Trip
- October 17 - The Great California Shake Out (Earthquake Drill)
- October 17 - ASES Field Trip - Hunter Farms
- October 18 - Report Cards mailed home
- October 18 - Launch Pad to Success! College and Career Fair for 8th graders
- October 19 - Santa Cruz Band Review
Principal Dietz
- Free Sports Physicals - Bellevue Gym, Monday, September 30th, 4:30 - 6:00 PM.
- Breast Cancer Awareness Month - On Wednesdays in October we wear PINK to bring awareness to help find a cure.
- Restorative Justice Rally - Our students were treated to the motivation message from author, Jon Pritikin on Friday. Be sure to ask your student to tell you about his story. Jon's website:
- Movie Night - Our WEB Leaders are hosting a movie night for our students in the gym on Friday, October 4th from 3:00 -4:30 PM. Movie: Inside Out 2 - admission is FREE, but students can bring money for concessions.
- Teddy's Closet - Teddy's food, hygiene items, and clothing closet is open to our families every Wednesday after school in room 101. If you are in need of something, you can also contact our Community Outreach Coordinator, Mrs. Odom, or call the school office. If your student is in need of something (backpack, supplies, coat, sweater, etc), they may stop by any day.
- Learning Lab - The Mitchell Senior Learning Lab is open every Tuesday and Thursday from 3-4 PM. The Lab is hosted by teachers who are available to help all students with makeup work, missed assignments, homework help or study time.
- Shoob Make-up School Picture Day - Monday, October 7th. All students who missed picture day will be photographed. See attached flyer for more information regarding re-takes.
- Chromebooks - Your child will need to have their fully-charged Chromebook every day at school. If your child is having any issues with their Chromebook, have your child stop by the library and Mrs. Gomez can support him/her.
- Athletics/Band/Guard - This is a reminder that a sports physical is required for any student who plans to try out for school-sponsored sports, marching band, color guard, or as a team manager. Prior to participating, a student must be cleared. The mandatory medical clearance packet is good for the entire school year and must be completed each year. The completed packet must be turned in to the office at Mitchell Senior prior to the first day of tryouts for your sport. The medical clearance packet can be picked up at our main office or on our website. As well, students must meet the minimum requirements for grade point average, attendance & tardies, and discipline.
- Cell Phone Policy - Please see attached District Cell Phone - Yondr Policy.
- Dress Code - Please see FLIGHTS Manual for dress code policy. Students may be asked to call home for a change of clothes or borrow loaners from our Student Services. Thank you for supporting your student by double checking what they are wearing before leaving the house.
- Athletics this Week:
- September 30 & October 1 - Girls Soccer Tryouts 3:00 - 4:30 PM
- Important Dates - October Activity Calendar Attached!
- September 30 & October 1 - Girls Soccer Tryouts 3:00 - 4:30
- October 2 - School Site Council Meeting via Zoom @ 3:15 pm
- October 4 - Movie Night sponsored by WEB - 3:00 - 4:30 PM
- October 7 to 11 - WEB hosted Spirit Dress-up Week
- October 7 - Shoob Make-up School Picture Day
- October 7 to 11 - Spirit Week Dress-up Days (details coming soon)
- October 11 - WEB Activity - Tie Dye Shirts - 3:00 - 4:00 PM
- October 11 - End of 1st Quarter
- October 14 - Start of 2nd Quarter
- October 15 - Spanish Class Study Trip
- October 17 - The Great California Shake Out (Earthquake Drill)
- October 18 - Report Cards mailed home
- October 18 - Launch Pad to Success! College and Career Fair for 8th graders
- October 19 - Santa Cruz Band Review
Principal Dietz
- Teddy's Closet - Teddy's food, hygiene items, and clothing closet is open to our families every Wednesday after school in room 101. If you are in need of something, you can also contact our Community Outreach Coordinator, Mrs. Odom, or call the school office. If your student is in need of something (backpack, supplies, coat, sweater, etc), they may stop by any day.
- Learning Lab - The Mitchell Senior Learning Lab is open every Tuesday and Thursday from 3-4 PM. The Lab is hosted by teachers who are available to help all students with makeup work, missed assignments, homework help or study time.
- Regular Dismissal for AESD Junior High Students - Elementary students have minimum days this week for parent conferences. The dismissal schedule remains the same this week for our students.
- Chromebooks - Your child will need to have their fully-charged Chromebook every day at school. If your child is having any issues with their Chromebook, have your child stop by the library and Mrs. Gomez can support him/her.
- Athletics/Band/Guard - This is a reminder that a sports physical is required for any student who plans to try out for school-sponsored sports, marching band, color guard, or as a team manager. Prior to participating, a student must be cleared. The mandatory medical clearance packet is good for the entire school year and must be completed each year. The completed packet must be turned in to the office at Mitchell Senior prior to the first day of tryouts for your sport. The medical clearance packet can be picked up at our main office or on our website. As well, students must meet the minimum requirements for grade point average, attendance & tardies, and discipline.
- Cell Phone Policy - Please see attached District Cell Phone - Yondr Policy.
- Dress Code - Please see FLIGHTS Manual for dress code policy. Students may be asked to call home for a change of clothes or borrow loaners from our Student Services. Thank you for supporting your student by double checking what they are wearing before leaving the house.
- Athletics this Week:
- September 16 - Boys Soccer/Girls Volleyball vs Cruickshank at CMS - 4 PM
- September 17 - Boys Soccer/Girls Volleyball vs Rivera at Mitchell Senior - 4 PM
- September 18 - Cross Country League Meet - Lake Yosemite - 4 PM
- September 19 - Boys Soccerl vs Rivera at RMS - 4 PM
- Important Dates -
- September 20 - AVID Field Trip
- September 20 - 1st quarter Progress Reports Mailed Home
- September 24 - AESD Parent Workshop - Bellevue School - 5 PM
- September 27 - Restorative Justice Rallies with Jon Pritikin, author and speaker
Principal Dietz
- Happy Labor Day - There is no school tomorrow, Monday, September 2, 2024. Enjoy the extra time with your family!
- School Hours - Monday through Friday, school starts at 8:00 AM. Dismissal is 2:52 PM, except Wednesdays are early release at 1:37 PM
- Book Fair is Coming! Save the Dates - Mitchell Senior's Scholastic Book Fair will be September 9 to 13 in our library - Information to set up your child's e-wallet online was sent out this past week.
- 7th Grade Ice Cream Social - All 7th graders welcome to an ice cream social hosted by WEB on Friday, September 6th at the multipurpose room after school from 3:00 to 4:30 PM.
- Chromebooks - Your child will need to have their fully-charged Chromebook every day at school. If your child is having any issues with their Chromebook, have your child stop by the library and Mrs. Gomez can support him/her.
- Athletics/Band/Guard - This is a reminder that a sports physical is required for any student who plans to try out for school-sponsored sports, marching band, color guard, or as a team manager. Prior to participating, a student must be cleared. The mandatory medical clearance packet is good for the entire school year and must be completed each year. The completed packet must be turned in to the office at Mitchell Senior prior to the first day of tryouts for your sport. The medical clearance packet can be picked up at our main office or on our website. As well, students must meet the minimum requirements for grade point average, attendance & tardies, and discipline.
- Cell Phone Policy - Please see attached District Cell Phone - Yondr Policy.
- Dress Code - Please see FLIGHTS Manual for dress code policy. Students may be asked to call home for a change of clothes or borrow loaners from our Student Services. Thank you for supporting your student by double checking what they are wearing before leaving the house.
- Athletics this Week:
- September 3 - Boys Soccer/Girls Volleyball vs Cruickshank at Mitchell Senior - 4 PM
- September 4 - Cross Country Meet - Lake Yosemite - 4 PM
- September 5 - Boys Soccer/Girls Volleyball vs Rivera at River - 4 PM
- Important Dates -
- September 2 - Labor Day - NO SCHOOL
- September 6 - 7th Grade Ice Cream Social Hosted by WEB - 3 PM
- September 9 to 13 - Scholastic Book Fair
- September 13 - Atwater High School Homecoming Parade - 3 PM
- September 20 - 1st quarter Progress Reports Mailed Home
Principal Dietz
- Important Safety Issue - Please make sure you are dropping off and picking up your students at the curb or parking lot. Do not allow your child to exit and enter your vehicle from the middle of the street. Safety First!
- School Hours - Monday through Friday, school starts at 8:00 AM. Dismissal is 2:52 PM, except Wednesdays are early release at 1:37 PM
- First Day Packets - First Day packets were due on Wednesday, August 21st. If you haven't yet, documents on colored paper require a parent/guardian signature and must be returned to school asap.
- Book Fair is Coming! Save the Dates - Mitchell Senior's Scholastic Book Fair will be September 9 to 13 in our library - watch for more information to set up your child's e-wallet online!
- Chromebooks - Your child will need to have their fully-charged Chromebook every day at school. If your child is having any issues with their Chromebook, have your child stop by the library and Mrs. Gomez can support him/her.
- Athletics/Band/Guard - This is a reminder that a sports physical is required for any student who plans to try out for school-sponsored sports, marching band, color guard, or as a team manager. Prior to participating, a student must be cleared. The mandatory medical clearance packet is good for the entire school year and must be completed each year. The completed packet must be turned in to the office at Mitchell Senior prior to the first day of tryouts for your sport. The medical clearance packet can be picked up at our main office or on our website. As well, students must meet the minimum requirements for grade point average, attendance & tardies, and discipline.
- Color Guard Tryouts - August 27, 28, 29 at 3 pm. Meet at the Band Room. Students must be cleared and meet eligibility requirements to tryout.
- Cell Phone Policy - Please see attached District Cell Phone - Yondr Policy.
- Dress Code - Please see FLIGHTS Manual for dress code policy. Students may be asked to call home for a change of clothes or borrow loaners from our Student Services. Thank you for supporting your student by double checking what they are wearing before leaving the house.
- Athletics this Week:
- August 26 - Boys Soccer/Girls Volleyball Game (MSE vs Tenaya) at Mitchell Senior School
- August 28 - Cross Country Meet - Lake Yosemite
- August 29 - Boys Soccer/Girls Volleyball Game (Hoover vs MSE) at Hoover Middle School
- Important Dates -
- August 26 to 30 - Spirit Week
- Monday: Sunglasses Day
- Tuesday: Tie Dye Day
- Wednesday: Sports Day
- Thursday: Hawaiian Day
- Friday: Back to School Dance
- August 27 to 29 - Color Guard Tryouts - 3 PM
- August 28 - Parent Workshop - Bellevue School - 5 PM
- September 2 - Labor Day - NO SCHOOL
- September 6 - 7th Grade Ice Cream Social Hosted by WEB - 3 PM
- September 9 to 13 - Scholastic Book Fair
- September 13 - Atwater High School Homecoming Parade - 3 PM
- September 20 - 1st quarter Progress Reports Mailed Home
- August 26 to 30 - Spirit Week
Principal Dietz
- Important Safety Issue - Please make sure you are dropping off and picking up your students at the curb or parking lot. Do not allow your child to exit and enter your vehicle from the middle of the street. Safety First!
- School Hours - Monday through Friday, school starts at 8:00 AM. Dismissal is 2:52 PM, except Wednesdays are early release at 1:37 PM
- First Day Packets - First Day packets were sent home on the first day of school. Documents on colored paper require a parent/guardian signature and must be returned to school by Wednesday, August 21st.
- Shoob Picture Day - Tomorrow, Monday, August 19th is Picture Day at Mitchell Senior Elementary. All students will be photographed on Picture Day. There is nothing to turn in now. After Picture Day, you will receive a proof sheet and an email/text link to purchase your Pictures. Student ID cards will be printed and distributed that day. Get notified when your Pictures are ready to view! Sign up for email and text alerts at
- Chromebooks - Your child will need to have their fully-charged Chromebook every day at school. If your child is having any issues with their Chromebook, have your child stop by the library and Mrs. Gomez can support him/her.
- Athletics/Band/Guard - This is a reminder that a sports physical is required for any student who plans to try out for school-sponsored sports, marching band, color guard, or as a team manager. Prior to participating, a student must be cleared. The mandatory medical clearance packet is good for the entire school year and must be completed each year. The completed packet must be turned in to the office at Mitchell Senior prior to the first day of tryouts for your sport. The medical clearance packet can be picked up at our main office or on our website. As well, students must meet the minimum requirements for grade point average, attendance & tardies, and discipline. The first sports of the year are: Girls Volleyball (JV and Varsity), Cross Country (Boys and Girls) and Boys Soccer (JV and Varsity). Sign up information was sent to student email. Ms. Andam, our Athletic Director will share information with parents on Parent Square.
- Athletic Tryouts - Boys Soccer and Girls Volleyball tryouts are Monday and Tuesday, August 19th and 20th at 3 PM.
- Cross Country - Practice is at 3 PM on Monday at the Pavillion.
- AESD Sports Physicals - The Bloss Memorial Healthcare District is once again providing grant funding for the 2024/2025 school year sports physicals. Sports physicals will be held on the following date: Monday, August 12 from 4:00 to 6:00 PM at the Bellevue Gym.
- Cell Phone Policy - Please see attached District Cell Phone - Yondr Policy.
- Important Dates -
- August 19 - Picture Day
- August 23 - Back to School Rally
- August 25 to 29 - Spirit Week
- August 29 - Back to School Dance
- September 2 - Labor Day - NO SCHOOL
Principal Dietz